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Course Info

Hosted by Circle Ten Council, Wood Badge Course #140 will take place at the Leadership Center at the historic Camp Wisdom in April 2023. Come join us!

What to Know

Want to take your Scouting unit to the next level?

Take Wood Badge!


What is Wood Badge?

Reflecting the best of nearly a century of Scouting experience, Wood Badge draws upon the most current leadership models used by corporate America, academic circles and successful organizations throughout the country.


Wood Badge training was begun by Baden Powell in 1919 as a way to insure that the leaders of Scout troops were properly trained. Since then Wood Badge has been held worldwide, providing advanced leadership training to thousands of Scout leaders.


Wood Badge builds upon the best traditions and experiences of Scouts BSA and it also draws from a wide range of courses within and beyond the boundaries of Scouting to present the latest in leadership theory and team development.

Who Should Attend?

Wood Badge is designed to meet the advanced leadership needs of all Scouters, particularly unit level Scouters, such as Cub leaders, Scoutmasters and assistants, Venturing Crew Advisors, Committee Chairs and members. Additionally Scouters serving at the district and council levels can achieve greater effectiveness through Wood Badge. To attend a Wood Badge course, individuals must:

  1. Be registered members of the Boy Scouts of America. (Youth 18 and older may attend as long as the appropriate Youth Protection guidelines are followed. They do not need to be registered in an adult leadership role.)

  2. Have completed the basic training courses for their Scouting position.

  3. Be capable of functioning safely in an outdoor environment. All participants are required to complete the Annual Health and Medical Record form.


Why Attend?

By taking Wood Badge, Scouters will acquire valuable tools such as listening, communicating, conflict management, project planning and leading change. Participants will better learn to understand and appreciate diversity and differences in our society. They will learn skills that will make them a better Scout leader. Units with trained leaders are able to deliver an improved program and a more meaningful experience for the youth Scouting serves. By attending Wood Badge, the participants will internalize the 5 themes of Wood Badge: Living the Values, Growing, Connecting, Guiding, Empowering.


The purpose of Wood Badge is to develop skilled leaders who can strengthen Scouting units in achieving the mission of Scouts BSA.


Although the course has evolved over the years, what the founder of Scouting, Lord Baden-Powell, said about it in 1919 still applies:


"One of the purposes of Wood Badge training is to get Scouters to think about the practice of Scouting, to meet together, to exchange experiences, and to live together in the spirit of the Scout Oath."



What happens at Wood Badge?

In a word...magic! For new Scouters, it’ll jump-start your Scouting career faster than you can say “Be Prepared.” And the many BSA veterans can expect to recharge their Scouting batteries more than they ever dreamed.

When did Wood Badge start?

The first Wood Badge training was organized by Francis "Skipper" Gidney and lectured at by Robert Baden-Powell and others at Gilwell Park (United Kingdom) in September 1919. Wood Badge training has since spread across the world with international variations.

When is Wood Badge?

Circle Ten Council currently hosts three courses per year. Two courses are held locally at our council camps. These are typically held in April and October. The third course is at Philmont Scout Ranch in the late summer.

Wood Badge 140 will be taught at Camp Wisdom in April 2023.

What is Wood Badge like?

Wood Badge is a modern format of training that delivers the latest in 14 leadership competencies that will help you to be the best leader possible. It prepares you for life. Wood Badge is more than just mechanical course work. It is the embodiment of the Scouting spirit while you learn in a fun and engaging environment about the concept of servant leadership coupled with applicable life skills.

Life there a cancellation policy?

  1. All refund requests must be submitted by email at least 10 days before the start of the event to Refund requests will be considered for personal illness or family emergencies.

  2. A service charge of 10% of the amount paid (minimum of $5.00), less any non-refundable deposits or any already purchased items (food, t-shirts, etc.), will be assessed to cover administrative fees.

  3. Refund requests must include the following:

    • Event Name and Event Date in the email header.

    • Name, telephone, email, and address of person requesting the refund.

    • Unit type and number.

    • Receipt or confirmation number, if available.

    • Reason for request.

  4. Circle Ten Council will consider moving a reservation once within the calendar year, if space is available.

Reserve Your Spot Today

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